The Christian Medical College is an unaided, non capitation, Christian minority, educational institution admitting students on merit on an all India basis. The Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore was established and is maintained by the Christian Medical College Vellore Association, a registered society, formed by over 50 different Indian Christian churches and Christian organisations which run over 225 hospitals, health centres and dispensaries throughout the length and breadth of this country, many of which are situated in remote rural areas. The purpose of the Christian Medical College therefore is to train dedicated persons to manage, run and provide health care in the spirit of Christ through the mission hospitals. The motto of the institution is: “Not To Be Ministered Unto, But To Minister” In 2018, the Christian Medical College Vellore proudly celebrated the completion of a hundred years of Medical Education, which began in 1918, bringing to fruition the dream of our visionary founder, Dr Ida Sophia Scudder.