World Environment Day Celebrated on 05.06.2023.
The World Environment Day was celebrated on 5th June, 2023 at CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. The programme started at 11.45 am with prayer song and bible reading by 1st year B.Sc. Nursing students. Rev. Mani Bhushan Das, Chaplain shared the devotion. Mrs. Nirmala Margaret P, Principal, College of Nursing CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus gave the welcome address. The Chief Guest Dr. I.Karuna Kumar, Secretary-cum-senior Civil Judge, District Legal Services Authority, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh addressed the gathering about safe environment and plastic pollution. He also gave information about laws pertaining to individual rights. He encouraged young students to work towards a clean and pollution-free environment. The Guest of honour Mr. A. Narendra Babu, Environmental Engineer, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Tirupati, a special address about the theme and encouraged everyone to avoid usage of disposable plastics. Dr. Kenny David, Associate Director, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus offered his
felicitation and talked about the impacts of human beings on the environment about the human behaviour in relation to the environment safety. The 1st year B.Sc. Nursing students performed a mime show about the benefits of a healthy environment, the consequence of pollution, and the way forward for a renewed and healthy environment.
During the programme prizes were distributed for a photography competition on the theme 'Nature Heals' and a craft work competition on the theme "Beat the Plastics; Choose an alternative". The prize winners were awarded certificates, saplings and jute bags. Mr. Madan Reddy, staff of the Environmental Pollution Control Board, Chittoor led the participants in taking an oath on stopping plastic pollution.
The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Mrs. Anbarasi, Acting Associate Nursing Superintendent, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, Chittoor and prayer and benediction by Rev. Mani Bhushan Das. On the same day at 4.00 pm, tree plantation was done by the Medical, Nursing and Administrative staff and Nursing students of Chittoor Campus at the New College of Nursing premises. Public awareness was also created among households of Seshachalapuram and Bandapalli programme to create awareness was organised by the second year B.Sc. Nursing students and staff, nearly 50 participants through song, puppet show and role play on the theme 'Beat the Plastics'. Seeds of various plants were also distributed to the villages who took part in the programme.

Lamp Lighting Ceremony - BSc Nursing Batch of 2023 on 11.01.2023
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony for the fourth batch (batch of 2022) of B.Sc. Nursing students of the College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 11th January 2023, at the Hospital Chapel, Chittoor Campus. On this blessed day, 49 young and vibrant first year nursing students committed their lives to the noble profession of ‘Nursing’ by lighting their lamps. The Chief Guest Mrs. Bharathy Jacob Former Dean, College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore addressed the students. She inspired the students by narrating her journey in nursing career. She emphasized the importance of integrity and truth which are essential components in nursing care. She also encouraged the students to be courageous in all circumstances and to be committed in the calling that God had given to them. Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus gave charge to the students and spoke on the significance of Florence Nightingale Lamp and the ceremony. She motivated the students to shine the light into the world through their purity, holiness, knowledge, sincerity and dedication. She advised the students to carry their lamp and keep it burning continually by fueling it with Gods constant presence and guidance.
Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji Senior Consultant CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus and former Director of CMC Vellore and former HOD of PMR Department, CMC Vellore was the guest of honour who addressed the students and lighted the Florence Nightingale lamp. He spoke on the significance of nursing in medical profession and mentioned about the value of nursing among the public. He insisted that nursing holds highest priority among all the other medical professions and the contribution of nursing is compared with fire fighters in saving lives of people. Dr. Bala Seetharaman, Nursing Superintendent CMC Vellore, and Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, handed over the lamps to the students. Rev. Dr. T. Arul Dhas, Head of Chaplaincy department offered the prayer of dedication and the benediction. The programme was attended by the administrative officers of CMC main and Chittoor Campus, Dean and faculty College of Nursing, and medical and nursing staff of Chittoor Campus.

World Mental Health Day Celebration Day on 10.10.2022
The Psychiatry Unit and College of Nursing, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus in collaboration with the District Medical and Health Office, Chittoor conducted the World Mental Health Day Programme with the theme “Make Mental Health and Well-being For All A Global Priority”. Week long activities were organized in Chittoor Campus from 3 October to 10 October to sensitize Staff, Students and the Public on the need for prioritizing mental health. Mental Health Quiz, Slogan Writing and a Short Video Contest were conducted and Nursing and Allied Health Students and Staff enthusiastically participated.
On 10 October 2022, a Public Awareness Programme was organized in Chittoor Campus. There were 53 Community Health Staff from adjacent PHCs, more than 100 patients, Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing and Allied Health Students and other supportive staff attended and benefitted from the programme. The programme began with the devotion led by Rev. Dr. Hminga Pachuau, Chaplain, CMC Vellore. Dr. Sajin Tito Arattukulam, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus welcomed the gathering. Dr. U. Sreehari, the District Medical and Health Officer delivered the Chief Guest Address in which he emphasized the importance of mental health and need for a Public-Private Partnership in reaching the mental health needs of the community. Felicitations were offered by Dr. Kenny David, Associate Director, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal College of Nursing, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, Dr. A. Sudharsan, NCD-CD Officer, Chittoor, Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Senior Public Health Officer, Chittoor, Dr. L. Sreevani, District Epidemiologist, Dr. Durga Devi, Dr. Sukanya and Dr. Rashmi, PHC Medical Officers. The third year B.Sc. Nursing students presented Skit and Villuppattu on Mental Health awareness. The Chief Guest distributed Appreciation Certificates to the winners of various competitions. Mental Health Awareness Poster from the government was released. Dr. Pastin Pushpa Rani. P, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus delivered vote of thanks. The programme was anchored by Mrs. Sheela Elizabeth, Social Worker, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus. The programme was followed by Tree Plantation inside the campus.
Mental Health Awareness Posters were displayed in all the areas of hospital. Group psychoeducation sessions were organized for the housekeeping staff. Information pamphlets were distributed to patients and relatives.
Prize winners : Poster competition : Quiz : I - Ms. Blessy Keren, Ms. Swathi K. & Ms. Kaviya.B (III Year B.Sc. Nursing). Quiz II - Ms. Stephy Paul, Ms. Stephy Thomas & Ms. Amala Rose (III B.Sc. Nursing). Quiz III - Ms. Nikitha Mathew, Ms. Sneha Sara & Ms. Janvi George (II B.Sc. Nursing). Slogan : Mrs. Mary. R (Staff Nurse), Mr. Lokesh (Pharmacist) & Ms. Michelle Martin (III B.Sc. Nursing). Short Video Contest : Mrs. Mary. R (Staff Nurse), Mr. Sam Jefferson & Mr. Israel (Lab Technicians).
College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore Annual Sports Day-06.08.2022
The Annual Sports Meet of the College of Nursing CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 3 rd September 2022 at Aashraya, CMC Vellore, Chittoor. The Chief Guest for the programme was Dr. Aruna, Commissioner, Chittoor Municipal Corporation. The gathering was welcomed by Ms. Brighty Mariam Benny, Tutor and Junior Sports Advisor. The programme started with hoisting the National Flag by the Chief Guest Dr. Aruna, Commissioner, Chittoor Municipal Corporation, the College flag by Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, College of Nursing CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus and Olympic Flag by Dr. Bala Seetharaman, Nursing Superintendent, CMC Vellore.
The Annual Sports Day was declared open by the Chief Guest with the release of doves to symbolise peace, hope and freedom. The Chief Guest addressed the students and encouraged the students to have regular exercises along with the studies. She also appreciated the institution for organising sports events and students for their active participation. The Olympic Torch was lit by Dr. Kenny David, Associate Director, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus followed by the inspection of the march past team. The College of Nursing Students CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus performed a spectacular march-past parade, which was led by Ms. Durga Devi, SNA Sports Chairperson. The first, second and third year Bsc Nursing students performed colourful mass drill according to their houses Pitman, Nightingale, Houghton and Taylor. Relay Race and Tug-of-war and staff sports events were conducted. Prizes were given by Dr. Kenny David, Associate Director CMC Vellore, Chittoor campus for the winners of the events conducted over the past few weeks. The individual championship was won by Ms. Lianne Elizabeth, 1st year B.Sc. Nursing student of Nightingale House. The rolling-cup for march-past was won by Pitman House and Overall Championship was bagged by Nightingale House. Ms. Annie Elizabeth, faculty and Senior Sports Advisor proposed the vote of thanks. The programme concluded with the singing of National Anthem.

CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus Celebrated World Blood Donor Day Celebration Day on 14.06.2022
Every year, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) on the 14th of June. The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.
In commemoration of the World Blood Donor Day, the Diagnostic laboratory, Chittoor Campus, CMC Vellore organized an awareness programme on 14th June, 2022 in the Chittoor Campus, CMC Vellore. The theme for this year was “Donating Blood is an Act of Solidarity”. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. B.Ramesh Babu, Additional District Medical and Health Officer, Chittoor District, Andra Pradesh. The programme started with prayer followed by felicitations by Dr. Kenny S. David, Associate Director, Chittoor Campus, Dr. Dolly Rose, Head, Department of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology and Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, College of Nursing, Chittoor Campus, CMC Vellore. All the dignitaries highlighted the importance of the voluntary blood donation and blood donation as gesture of solidarity. There were posters, slogans and catchy-phrase competitions in which staff, nursing and AHS students of Chittoor Campus participated and the winners were awarded certificates. With the help of the blood bank, CMC Vellore a voluntary blood donation camp was organised in the Chittoor Campus, as an effort to educate and encourage more people to donate blood and continue being in the healing ministry of Christian Medical College, Vellore.
Poster competition : 1. Mercy Salomi S., Chittoor nursing student 1st year
2. Vijay Kumar H., Chittoor anaesthesia staff
3. Manigandan B., Chittoor Optometry student 2nd year
Slogan competition :
1. Medona Rosy V., Chittoor nursing student 2nd year
2. Mary, Chittoor HICC staff nurse
3. Gnana Priya, Chittoor Anaesthesia staff
Catchy-phrase competition :
1. Mary, Chittoor HICC staff nurse
2. Gnana Priya, Chittoor Anaesthesia staff
3. Maithili, Chittoor laboratory intern

CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus Celebrated Hand Hygiene Day on 16.05.2022
In commemoration of the World Hand Hygiene Day, an Awareness Programme was organized on 16th May 2022, at CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus by HIC team, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus and Nursing Services CMC Vellore. The theme for this year was “Unite for Safety; Clean your Hands”. Ms. Anbarasi S, Acting Associate Nursing Superintendent, along with Dr. Rhesa Noel, HIC officer and the nursing team organised a programme to celebrate the World Hand Hygiene Day. There were quiz, poster and slogan competitions in which staff and AHS students of Chittoor campus participated and the winners were awarded certificates.
An awareness programme on hand hygiene for the public was organised in the patient waiting area and in the wards for inpatients of the Chittoor Campus throughout the week by the staff nurses. Dr. Kenny S David, Associate Director Chittoor Campus and Mrs. Ilavarasi Jesudoss, Associate Nursing Superintendent, Chittoor Campus and Addl.Secretary HIC emphasised the importance of hand washing and the role it plays in preventing the spread of infection
National Safe Motherhood Day Celebrations 2022 on 11.04.2022
In commemoration of the National Safe Motherhood Day observed on 11th of April every year, a Health Awareness Programme was organized by College of Nursing CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus and Obstetrics & Gynecology department of CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus. The theme for this year was “Remain at home amid corona virus, protect mother and infant safe from corona virus”. Ms. Sophia J, Faculty, College of Nursing organized a week Programme to celebrate the National Safe Motherhood day. There were quiz, poster and slogan competitions in which staff and students of Chittoor campus participated and the winners were awarded attractive prizes. Special health education was given by Maternity department staff to mothers in OPD throughout the week.
On April 11th, 2022 an awareness Programme for the public was organized in the patient waiting area of the Chittoor campus. Dr. Daisy Singh was the chief guest for the occasion who addressed the gathering and explained about the on importance of vaccinating antenatal and postnatal mothers against COVID 19 and to follow precautionary methods to protect themselves and their babies. Dr. Kenny S David, Associate Director Chittoor campus and Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal College of Nursing offered felicitation. On this day posters on the theme and models on perinatal care were displayed, role play and puppet show were performed by the students and staff of College of Nursing. Patients attending out-patient services and their relatives participated and were benefited by the Programme.
On April 14th, 2022 3rd year B.sc nursing students of College of Nursing, Chittoor campus conducted an outreach programme on behalf of National Safe Motherhood day in Chelapalli village, Gudipala Mandal, Chittoor. The students educated the mothers by puppet show and skit emphasizing on the theme and postnatal care at home. Exhibition of various charts and models were kept for display and students explained and clarify the doubts of the mothers regarding the models and charts.
Community Orientation Programme 2022
The Community Orientation Programme (COP) for I year B.Sc. Nursing Students, College of Nursing CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus, Chittoor A.P. was organized at Ramapuram Village. The programme began with inaugural ceremony on 26th March 2022. The devotion was led by Rev. Vijaykumar, Chaplain. Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal College of Nursing and Dr. Kenny David, Associate Director, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus presided over the function. Mr. Chinna Reddy, The District Welfare Officer, was the Chief Guest. He addressed the students and explained the importance of Nursing and medical professions in treating people in the hospital and community. He highlighted the significance of the nursing profession and motivated the young nursing students to utilize this great opportunity.
The students were able to learn village survey and mapping. They visited PHC and Sub centre and conducted interviews with MLHP, ANM, ASHA, Village leaders, Mahila Mandal, Self Help group and youth. After visiting the market, they learnt about mid day meal programme and conducted health exhibition and health education programme. The programme ended with the valedictory function held on 02nd April 2022. Dr. Vibisha, Senior Resident in Community Medicine, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus
was the Chief Guest. She stressed on the significance of COP in the learning process of a B.Sc Nursing student. She inspired the students for community service, through her speech. The organizer of COP Mrs. Yoneko Magdalene, gave a report of the programme. The students’ feedback was given by Ms. Resnija Grace. The models of ideal market, village, upgraded PHC, food pyramid and rain water harvesting were exhibited along with posters prepared by the students for health education. Valuable comments and suggestions were given by Dr. Vibisha. The COP was an informative and enjoyable experience for the I year B.Sc Nursing students.
Lamp Lighting Ceremony - BSc Nursing Batch of 2021 on 25.03.2022
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony for the third batch (batch of 2021) of BSc Nursing students of the College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 25th March 2022, at the Hospital Chapel, Chittoor campus. On this blessed day, 50 young and vibrant first year Nursing Students committed their lives to the noble profession of ‘Nursing’ by lighting their lamps. The Chief Guest Dr. Punitha Ezhilarasu, Senior Consultant, Indian Nursing Council and Former Dean of College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore addressed the students. She inspired the students by narrating her journey in nursing career. She emphasized the importance of integrity and truth which are essential components in nursing care. She also encouraged the students to be courageous in all circumstances and to be committed in the calling that God had given to them. Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus gave charge to the students and spoke on the significance of Florence Nightingale Lamp and the Ceremony. She motivated the students to shine the light into the world through their dedication, commitment, compassion and care. She advised the students to carry their lamp and keep it burning continually by fueling it with Gods constant presence and guidance. Dr. J. V. Peter, Director, CMC, Vellore was the guest of honour who addressed the students and lighted the Florence Nightingale lamp. He spoke on the significance of nursing in medical profession and mentioned about the value of nursing among the public. He insisted that Nursing holds highest priority among all the other medical professions and the contribution of nursing is compared with fire fighters in saving lives of people. Mrs. Jeyalinda Christopher, Associate Nursing Superintendent, CMC, Vellore and Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, handed over the lamps to the students. Rev. Dr. T. Arul Dhas, Head of Chaplaincy department offered the prayer of dedication and the benediction. The programme was attended by the administrative officers of CMC main and Chittoor Campus, Dean and Faculty College of Nursing, and medical and nursing staff of Chittoor Campus.
Republic Day Celebration on 26.01.2022
The CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus community celebrated Republic day, with Dr. Sujatha Charles (MBBS batch of 1978) unfurling the flag and encouraging the community to remember the sacrifices of the past and to press on to serve the people around us and our country. The choir led the gathering in the hymn "Abide with me".
Diabetes Exhibition and Screening Camp held on 17.12.2021
The Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism at Christian Medical College, Vellore organised an Exhibition on 17th December, 2021 in the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus between 9.00am to 3.00pm, in commemoration of the World Diabetes Day 2021, on the theme “Access to Diabetes Care”.
The Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism at Christian Medical College, Vellore organised an Exhibition on 17th December, 2021 in the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus between 9.00am to 3.00pm, in commemoration of the World Diabetes Day 2021, on the theme “Access to Diabetes Care”.
The exhibition began with a word of prayer by Rev. Vijayakumar. Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji and Dr. Abraham Thomas, Senior Administrator, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus was the guest of honor for the day.
World Mental Health Day Celebration on 11.10.2021
The World Mental Health Day 2021 was celebrated on October 11, 2021 at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor campus. This year the theme was ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World.’ The Chittoor Unit of Psychiatry and the College of Nursing jointly organised the programme, which was attended by patients and relatives; and staff of Chittoor Campus. A skit on mental health awareness was presented by the B.Sc. nursing students.
The World Mental Health Day 2021 was celebrated on October 11, 2021 at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor campus. This year the theme was ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World.’ The Chittoor Unit of Psychiatry and the College of Nursing jointly organised the programme, which was attended by patients and relatives; and staff of Chittoor Campus. A skit on mental health awareness was presented by the B.Sc. nursing students.
Lamp Lighting Ceremony - BSc Nursing Batch of 2020 on 08.10.2021
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony for the second batch (batch of 2020) of BSc Nursing students of the College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 8th October 2021, at the Hospital Chapel, Chittoor Campus. On this blessed day, 49 young and vibrant first year Nursing Students committed their lives to the noble profession of ‘Nursing’ by lighting their lamps. The Chief Guest Dr. Chellarani Vijiyakumar, Former Head of the Community Health Nursing Department and Former Dean of College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore addressed the students. She inspired the students by narrating the significance of Nursing in the healthcare.
She provoked the students to bring light into the lives of patients who come with different difficulties and challenges. Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus gave charge to the students and spoke on the significance of Florence Nightingale Lamp and the Ceremony. She motivated the students to shine the light into the world through their dedication, sincerity, purity, holiness, knowledge and care. She advised the students to carry their lamp and keep it burning continually by fueling it with Gods constant presence and guidance. Dr. Abraham Joseph, Senior Consultant, Chittoor campus and former Head of the Community Medicine Department of CMC, Vellore was the guest of honour who addressed the students and lighted the Florence Nightingale lamp. He spoke on the significance of nursing profession and appreciated their contribution in healthcare. Dr. Bala Seetharaman, Nursing Superintendent, CMC, Vellore and Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal, handed over the lamps to the students. Rev. Joseph Devaraj, Chaplain offered the prayer of dedication and the benediction. The programme was attended by the administrative officers of CMC Vellore and Chittoor Campus, Dean and Faculty College of Nursing, and medical and nursing staff of Chittoor Campus.

MBBS Batch of ’95 - 25th Alumni Reunion Project (Chittoor Campus PMR Department) online handing-over meeting on 14.08.2021
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow” (Melody Beattie). The CMC MBBS Batch of 95 had an occasion to reflect upon this statement as we attended the online meeting conducted on 14thAugust, 2021, to pray for and bless the PMR Department of CMC Chittoor Campus, with whom our batch was involved as part of our batch project to celebrate our 25th year of joining CMC.
As we understood, the purpose of our project was twofold – mainly to show our deep gratitude to our beloved CMC and our teachers who blessed us so much and secondly, to be involved in some activity of CMC that would be a blessing to others. This programme beautifully encapsulated both these aims, as we had the privilege of listening to some of the great men and women who populate CMC, reminding us of the rich heritage of people who have made CMC what it is and made us who we are. We also had the opportunity of hearing what CMC is doing and what is being planned in Chittoor, which is clearly going to be a wonderful blessing to the people of that part of Andhra Pradesh and beyond.
During the meeting we heard from the Director, Dr. J.V. Peter, of some of the wonderful developments that have happened in CMC, even through the struggles of the pandemic. It has been a matter of pride for us to see our Alma Mater take pride of place in the country as the leader of medical thought and training during the pandemic and we salute the leadership and the faculty for their innovative and practical interventions. He also gave us a word of inspiration from his personal life encouraging us to find our unique purpose and to be content. Principal, Dr. Anna Pulimood, aptly reminded us of Dr. Gwenda Lewis who overcame physical struggles of polio to lead the Department of Anaesthesia and the Blood Bank to world-leading standards in its early years. A few members of our batch, reminded us again of how much we owe CMC and how much are lives are what they are today, because we had the privilege and honour to study in CMC. We also remembered the wonderful times of singing and prayer we had every Thursday evening with the patients admitted in Rehab till our third year.
We then heard about the pioneering work happening at the Chittoor campus. Envisioned by Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharjee, initiated by Dr. Nihal Thomas and now headed by Dr. Kenny David, we heard how the work has exponentially increased both in numbers and in the variety of facilities available. We had the privilege of hearing from all the three of these leaders and were left with a sense of excitement and inspiration, as we saw how God has blessed and expanded the work, very similar to the initial days of Aunt Ida that led to the formation and growth of CMC! The future plans for the campus are truly visionary and are bound to make a palpable impact in the health care landscape of our country. Dr. Suranjan took us on a journey from his introduction to Rehab, through some of his experiences and now to his new venture at Chittoor, keeping us spellbound with the passion of his heart and leaving us uplifted, inspired and challenged to bring some of that spirit and ardor to our own lives and work.
We, the members of the Batch of 95, can never repay our debt of gratitude to CMC. But then, the investment made into our lives is not something to be repaid, but passed on. The opportunity we have had to invest financially into the Rehab work at Chittoor campus is but a small token of the overwhelming gratitude that fills our heart. It is not a repayment of a debt but a promissory note. A promise to carry on the torch of life that we have been given, to pass on the love we have received, to minister and not to be ministered unto. We, the members of the Batch of 95, pledge to fulfil this promise. May God bless us and may God bless CMC! Three cheers for the Silver and Blue!
In conclusion, let us remember the Confederate Soldier’s prayer that Dr. Suranjan quoted during the meeting. I asked God for strength, that I might achieve; I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health, that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity, that I might do better things. I asked for riches, that I might be happy; I was given poverty, that I might be wise. I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men; I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life; I was given life, that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am among all men most richly blessed.
Reflections from: Dr Arpit Mathew, Advanced Laparoscopic, Urology and GI Surgeon, Madhipura Christian Hospital, Bihar.
World Tuberculosis Day Celebrated on 24.03.2021
In commemoration of the World Tuberculosis Day, observed on 24th March every year, a health awareness for the patients, educational sessions and various competitions for the staff and students, was organised by CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus. The celebrations were in collaboration with the College of Nursing, Community Health, Pulmonary Medicine and General Medicine under the leadership of Mrs. Rosaline Jayakaran, Principal, College of Nursing, Chittoor Campus, and Dr. Kenny David. Associate Director, Chittoor campus. The theme for this year was, “The Clock is Ticking”. The world TB Day activities and programmes began from March 04, 2021 onwards with educational sessions on “New Trends about TB” by Dr. Deva Jedidiah, Assistant Professor, Pulmonary Medicine for all Chittoor campus staff and students, which was held in two sessions on 4th and 8th of March prior to the competitions. A total of 93 staff and students participated in the sessions and were enriched. The competitions included Quiz, Poster, and Slogan, there were 13 groups for quiz, 22 participants for poster competition and 6 participants for slogan competition. All the students and staff of CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus were encouraged to participate. Attractive prizes and certificates were awarded to prize winners and participants. On March 24, 2021, the inauguration programme was organised at the waiting area, of the OPD Block. Dr. Deva welcomed the gathering. Dr. Kenny S. David, Associate Director (Chittoor Campus), Mrs. Rosaline Jayakaran, Principal College of
Nursing, and Dr. Reginald Alex, Professor, General Medicine gave their felicitations. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. Anand Zachariah, Professor and Head, Medicine Unit-I, CMC Vellore. In his address he clearly explained about Tuberculosis and the burden of the disease in our country as a whole, and also locally in Chittoor District. He appreciated the participants of the various competitions and distributed the prizes to the winners following which Mrs. Nirmala Immanuel, Vice Principal, College of Nursing, Chittoor Campus, proposed the vote of thanks. As part of the health awareness programme for the public, various posters based on the theme “The Clock is Ticking” were displayed on the risk factors, the causes and warning signs of TB and also preventive measures. The Nursing staff and students of Community Health Nursing, College of Nursing, Chittoor Campus, took an active part in delivering the health education through activities such as Puppet show, Songs emphasizing the concept of “Prevention, Early detection and prompt action” for TB. A total of 35 people participated actively in several batches to ensure adequate social distancing.
Lamp Lighting Ceremony - B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2019
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony for the first batch (batch of 2019) of B.Sc. Nursing students of the College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor campus was held on 25th January 2021, at the Hospital Chapel, Chittoor campus. During this solemn occasion, forty nine first year Nursing Students dedicated their lives to the noble profession of ‘Nursing’. The Chief Guest Dr. Mary Sulakshini Immanuel, Former Dean of College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore addressed the students. She exhorted the calling of each student for this noble profession. She emphasized on the meaning of 'Light' and the importance of students lighting the lamp from the lamp lit by the faculty of Nursing. She invited the students to be compassionate, competent and caring in providing patient care. Mrs. Rosaline Jayakaran, Principal, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus gave charge to the students and spoke on the significance of Florence Nightingale Lamp and the Ceremony. She advised the students to carry their lamp and keep it burning continually by fueling it with Gods constant presence and guidance. Dr. Nihal Thomas, Head of Endocrinology Unit - I, CMC, Vellore was the guest of honour who addressed the students and lighted the Florence Nightingale lamp. He spoke on the significance of nursing in medical profession and compared the journey of a nursing student to the cutting of a diamond. Dr. Bala Seetharaman, Nursing Superintendent, CMC, Vellore and Mrs. Rosaline Jayakaran, Principal, handed over the lamps to the students. Rev. Dr. Arul Dhas, Head of Chaplaincy offered the prayer of dedication and the benediction. The programme was attended by the administrative officers of CMC main and Chittoor Campus, Dean and Faculty College of Nursing, and medical and nursing staff of Chittoor campus.
Independence Day Celebration on 15.08.2020
The 74th Independence Day celebration were organized at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus, where Dr. Kenny David, Associate Director (Designate) delivered the Independence Day message and Dr. Prasad Mathews, Medical Superintendent hoisted the National flag. The programme was followed by a tree planting campaign.

Staff Quarters Dedication on 31.01.2020
The Staff Housing of B,C and E quarters at the Christian Medical College, Vellore, Chittoor campus in Andhra Pradesh was inaugurated on 31st January, Friday in the presence of members of the Council, the Chairman: Mr Barkos Wajri and the Vice-Chairman: Dr John Oommen. This is the first of a set of 4 building projects that are to be commissioned in the next few months, which include the Working Women's Hostel, the Chattram(Patient rest house) and the Radiology suite. The programme was commenced by a word of prayer. Special songs were rendered by the CMC Vellore Chittoor campus nursing students. There were words of inspiration shared by Mr Barkos Wajri and Dr Vikram Mathews, Associate Director on behalf of the administration. Dr Nihal Thomas heaped many accolades on the engineering team and the contractors for having carried out this challenging project. Built on a hilly region on an elevation on rocky ground, the building has a number of special features in that it is thermally friendly, being exposed to the South East breeze and shaded from the western sun by the hill in the backdrop.Dr John Oommen, highlighted the fact that this building was a major milestone in the history of the Chittoor campus, thereby enabling several staff to be easily accessible for the purpose of patient care. He also stressed the primary aspects of dedication towards patient care as the primary motif of the institution, and that the essential ethos in general should are of primary importance while complimenting structural and engineering advantages. The prayer of dedication was given by Rev Dr Eprem. The vote of thanks was rendered by Dr Abraham Joseph.
Republic Day Celebration on 26.01.2020
On the 26th of January, 2020, Sunday, the community on the CMC Vellore Chittoor campus commemorated the 71st Indian Republic day. The Special guest speaker for the programme was Er David Chandran: the general superintendent of CMC, Vellore. The programme was highlighted by an inspiring skit put up by the nursing students of the CMC Vellore Chittoor college of nursing on National integration.
Multilingual carols at CMC Vellore Chittoor campus on 06-12-2019
Multilingual carols at CMC Vellore Chittoor campus on 06-12-2019
World Diabetes Month Celebration - EXHIBITION held on 06.12.2019
In commemoration of the World Diabetes Day 2019, the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism at Christian Medical College, Vellore organised an Exhibition on 6th December, 2019 in the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus between 9.00am and 3.00pm, on the theme “FAMILY AND DIABETES”. The Departments of Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Nephrology, Physiotherapy, Prosthetics & Orthotics, Dietetics along with the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism put up stalls which disseminated awareness about diabetes, its complications and the scope for its prevention. Screening for diabetes was performed for 167patients. Foot and eye examination too was done for them. They were also educated on the various challenges they would face and how they can be overcome. The exhibition began with a word of prayer by Rev. Vijayakumar. Dr. Sowmya Sathyendra, Professor & Head, Medicine Unit-3, CMC Vellore was the Chief Guest for the day.
Children's Day Celebration (2019) at CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus on 14.11.2019
Children's day was celebrated with pomp and enthusiasm at the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus. Gifts and sweets were distributed amongst the Children. Dr Jennifer Winget, Dean of Medical Education at the University of Aberdeen was the Chief guest.
BSc Nursing of the Chittoor operation theaters held on 01.10.2019
On 1st October 2019 the staff of CMC Vellore Chittoor campus and the visiting surgeons celebrated the accomplishments and dedication by all staff of the chittoor campus in making this place it is today, more than 8,000 surgeries have been completed in 3 years in the 5 available operation theaters. Dr Anil Henry welcomed all the Doctors,Nurses and the theatre personnel,followed by a Welcome song by the nursing staff "Showers of Blessing".The bible reading from 1 Corinthians:13 was the lesson on which Dr. Suranjan gave a short and reflective message reminding us of Dr Ida and her missionary work started in the early nineties. He put light on the need for the theatre staff to be child like,qualities of innocence, trusting, eagerness to learn and a hope for miracles.Love is what makes our actions and gifts useful Dr Ravi Kishore's expression of similitude to Dr Ida's "three knocks" shows our relevance in being here.Our motto" To Minister ,not to be Ministered unto" needs to be ingrained in each one of us. A skit that showed us all the changes that had taken place over a period of three yrs was put up by the theatre nurses.Dr Manickam summarised how the theatre unit was started byDr Nandhini and Dr Eunice;their relentless and selfless efforts along with the Nursing staff in theatre ,in the wards our technicians and our operating Doctors who have made it possible to make it an integrated hospital.Now the services offered are many more and has to keep increasing. Our Chief Guest of the day Dr. Prasad Mathew was appreciative and thankful to all who were responsible for this immense change.

Green initiatives in the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus on 14.09.2019
On the 14th of September, 2019, the faculty and staff of the CMC Vellore, Chittoor campus were involved in an active tree planting campaign, from 8.00 to 9.00 am in the morning. Around 400 saplings were planted. The Andhra Pradesh forest department from Chittoor has donated several species of tree saplings numbering 6,000 which are being planted through the entire expanse of the 550 acre campus.In addition, harvesting has commenced on the two acre organic farm project, wherein several vegetables are being grown.
Independence Day Celebration on 15.08.2019
On the 15th of August, 2019, flag hoisting was conducted on the CMC, Vellore Chittoor campus. Prof Deepak Abraham spoke eloquently at the occasion. The programme was followed by community breakfast and a massive tree planting campaign.

Breast Feeding Week, Outreach program held on 07.08.2019
August 1st to 7 is observed world wide as the “World Breast Feeding Week”. The Department of Neonatology and Maternity Nursing conducted various awareness programmes and activities to reiterate the significance of breast feeding. The theme for this year was “Empower Parents : Enable Breast Feeding”. The inaugural programme began with an opening prayer by Rev. Saramma Kuruvilla followed by the welcome address by Mrs. Dorothy Devakirubai Singh, Additional Deputy Nursing Superintendent and Professor Department of Maternity Nursing. Dr. Niranjan Thomas, Professor of Neonatology Department introduced the Chief Guest Dr. Prabhakar D. Moses, Former Professor & Head of Child Health Department. Dr. Santhanam Sridhar, Professor & Head of Neonatology Department honoured the Chief Guest. In his address, Dr. Prabhakar D. Moses, spoke on the importance and benefits of breast feeding, following which felicitations were given by Dr. M.J. Paul, Deputy Medical Superintendent and by Dr. Bala Seetharaman, Deputy Nursing Superintendent. On 5th August, a Quiz Programme was conducted for the nurses of maternity nursing department followed by an an interactive session for the 'Breast feeding mother' support group on the 6th of August. On 7th August, an outreach programme was conducted in Chittoor campus for the mothers followed by a quiz programme for the nurses from the Department of Neonatology. Apart from these, various educational programmes in the postnatal and antenatal wards were conducted. Special health education was given for the mothers who came to HRIC & LRIC OPD, by the lactation consultant, Mrs. Gracy Mary.
70th republic day Celebration on 26.01.2019
The 70th republic day was observed by the various campuses of CMC. At the hospital campus, the flag was hoisted by Dr. Nihal Thomas, Associate Director. Dr. Prasad Mathews, Medical Superintendent gave the message at the CollegeCampus and the flag was hoisted by Dr. Sathya Subramani, Professor of Physiology along with Mr. Abdul Latif, Chief Security Officer. At the Chittoor Campus, the flag was hoisted by Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, former Director.
World Diabetes Month Celebration - EXHIBITION held on 09.11.2018
The Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism organized an exhibition on the theme “Family and Diabetes”, 9th November, 2018 at the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus in commemoration of the World Diabetes Day 2018. The Departments of Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Nephrology, Physiotherapy, Prosthetics & Orthotics, Dietetics along with the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism put up stalls to spread awreness regarding diabetes, its complications and the scope for its prevention. Screening for diabetes, foot and eye examination was performed for 281 patients. The exhibition began with a word of prayer by Rev. Manibhushan. Dr. Prasad Mathews, Medical Superintendent, CMC Vellore was the guest of honour for the day.
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Breast Cancer Awareness Programme held on 29.10.2018
With the increasing incidence of Breast Cancer, early detection through self-examination and lifestyle modification should be made aware to all within our community. The Department of Radiation Oncology (part of Breast Care Group of CMC), organized various programs through October, which is observed worldwide as the breast cancer awareness month. The events began on 11th October, through a quiz competition on ‘Knowledge on Breast Cancer’ which was conducted for all the women’s colleges in Vellore, an E-poster competition on the theme ‘Life Style Modification and Breast Cancer’ and E-slogan competition in Tamil and English. On 12th October a cookery competition with the theme ‘Healthy Diet for Cancer Prevention’ was conducted which promoted healthy and innovative cooking.
On October 29, 2018, events were conducted in CMC Chittoor campus. The guests of honor were Dr. Y. Narasimhalu, Additional District Medical and Health Officer, Mr. Ramesh Reddy, District Statistical Officer, Dr. Banerjee Jesudasan, Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharjee and Dr. Nihal Thomas. The audience included teacher training institute students, college students and high school students along with patients and their relatives. Two cancer survivors shared their experience.
Cystic Fibrosis India Project on 01.05.2018
Cystic Fibrosis(CF) India project was initiated on 1st May, 2018 as a collaborative effort by Paediatric respiratory clinic, Department of Paediatrics, Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Nationwide Children’s Hospital,Columbus, Ohio. This is a demonstration project funded by the 'CF' foundation, USA to create a sustainable model of care for Cystic Fibrosis in areas with no access to resources. A team from Columbus, Ohio including Dr Grace Rebecca Paul (CMC MBBS batch of ’94), Ms. Teri Johnson, CF nurse, Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ms. Susan Gemma, CF dietician, Nationwide Children’s Hospital visited the Department of Paediatrics inorder to develop this project further.Various teaching sessions and workshops were organised at Kothagiri, Coimbatore, Chennai and Chittoor campus with the aim to create awareness among healthcare professionals in India to allow early diagnosis and treatment of Cystic Fibrosis.
Provider’s Course' in Children’s Surgical Care – A new initative by Children’s Surgical Specialities 31.05.2018
Three day special training programme was organized by the Children’s Surgical Speciality Departments on 31st May 2018, for teams of doctors and nurses from four district hospitals in Karnataka. This is the first if its kind organised by the institution with the aim to improve children’s surgical care in the country. This was preceded by a ‘Train the Trainer’ course, for CMC faculty by the Royal College of Surgeons, England to update the training skills of Children’s surgical trainers in the Departments of Children’s Orthopaedics, Surgery, Nursing and Critical Care, on 30th May, 2018. This special session included training in planning and imparting practical skills, and in giving and receiving feedback and evaluation. On 31st May, 2018 the course was inaugurated. Dr. Sukria Nayak, Associate Director, Missions, spoke about the need for such a program and its benefit to the health systems, Dr. Nihal Thomas spoke about CMC's role in improving health care Dr. Deepak Abraham, Associate Director, Human Resources and Dr. Ebor Jacob, Deputy Medical Superintendent lauded the efforts of the children’s surgical specialities in fulfilling the training needs of children’s surgical providers. The team of faculty included Dr. Vrisha Madhuri from Paediatric Orthopaedics, Dr. John Mathai from Paediatric Surgery, Dr. Sajan P from Anesthesia, Dr. Vinitha Ravindran from Paediatric Surgical Nursing, Dr. Ebor Jacob from Paediatric Critical Care, Dr. Mathew Joseph covered common conditions affecting children such as knee deformity, clubfoot, infections and cerebral palsy,children’s anesthesia, head injury, burns and nursing. The programme was monitored by the Royal College of Surgeons England team led by Mr.Richard Stewart and the incoming president of the Global Initiative for children’s surgery, Mrs. Kokila Lakhoo, RCS educator Elise Omphalos and Orthopaedic surgeon Mr. James Turner. The focus of the training was to empower district level hospitals to handle the common surgeries of children safely and provide skills in decision making and safe transfer to the children’s surgical hubs. A team of children’s specialist surgeons, anesthetists and nurses from the the Banglore Medical College underwent training as future trainers. The trainees and trainers carried out surgical modules at CMC’s Chittoor campus to simulate a district level hospital environtment.
Report of Safe Motherhood Day on 11.04.2018
National Safe Motherhood Day, which falls on April 11, ensures that women are given proficient awareness on safe pregnancy and childbirth, and the theme for this year is “Midwives for Mothers”. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing organised various events on the theme “Respectful Maternity Care”. An exhibition which effectively highlighted the significance of safe motherhood was organised along with the Dietary Department. Rev.Deborah, Chaplain dedicated the programme and Mrs. Ebenezer Ellen Benjamin, Professor and Head of OG nursing, delivered the welcome address. The Chief Guest for the event was Mrs.Nirmala Manoharan, Retired Professor of Maternity nursing who addressed the participants, felicitations were offered by Dr. Manisha Madhai Beck, Head of OG-IV unit and Mrs.Nirmala Margret, Additional Deputy Nursing superintendent. Dr. Vatsala Sadan, Dean, College of nursing distributed the prizes to the winners of the various contests. Programmes similar to this were conducted in the CMC, Vellore, Chittoor Campus, which proved to be highly beneficial.
CMC Observes Republic Day on 26.01.2018
The national flag was hoisted at the various campuses in observance of the Republic Day. At the college campus the flag hoisting was organized by the Students Association, and the Chief Guest, Dr. D.J.Christopher, Professor and Head of Pulmonary Medicine, hoisted the flag and addressed the gathering. At the hospital campus the flag was hoisted by Dr.Vikram Mathews, Associate Director (Admin) and at the CMC Chittoor Campus the flag was hoisted by Dr.Santhosh Varughese, Professor and acting head of Nephrology and Deputy Director (HR). The republic day parade by the security personnel was indeed a sight to behold.
World Diabetes Month Celbration - EXHIBITION held on 09.11.2017
On 9th November, 2017 at Christian Medical College, Chittoor Campus. The exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Deepak Abraham, Associate Director and Professor& Head Department of Endocrine Surgery. The Departments of Nephrology, Ophthalmology, Physiotherapy, Prosthetic & Orthotic Services, Dietary and Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism had put up stalls. Free blood tests to detect diabetes mellitus and free foot examination, Eye Examination and Dental Examination for person with diabetes was conducted.
First Anniversary Celebrations of Chittoor, CMC campus Operation Theatres on 31.08.2017
The Chittoor CMC campus celebrated the first anniversary of the operation theatre complex on 31st August, 2017 which has enabled to conduct more than 1600 surgeries during the last one year. It was an occasion of great joy remembering the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord. The celebrations started with a word of prayer by Rev. Manibhushan, followed by sharing of the Word by Rev. Pierson. The history of the surgical escapades in CMC Chittoor campus was briefed by the Associate Director of Chittoor, Dr. Nihal Thomas. He highlighted the humble beginnings and how God has greatly blessed the endeavor. He also thanked all the surgical units for their earnest efforts and co-operation. Following which, there was a meaningful sharing of experiences of the past one year by various surgeons like Dr.Vrisha Madhuri (Head of the Department, Paediatric Orthopaedics), Dr. Deepak Abraham (Professor, Department of Endocrine surgery), Dr.Banerjee (Former Head of the Department of Surgery) and Dr. V.T.K. Titus (Professor, Department of Orthopaedics). The meeting was also addressed by the Former Associate Director of Chittoor, Dr.Raju Titus who expressed his joy over the growth and developments in the campus. The General Superintendent and the Deputy Nursing Superintendent expressed their appreciations to the entire surgical team of CMC Chittoor campus. The programme came to an end with an interesting skit by the theatre staff and an elaborate cake cutting ceremony led by Dr. Nandhini (Anesthesia). The theatre in charge staff, Sister Sheila proposed the vote of thanks. No doubt this is a milestone in the medical services of CMC Chittoor campus.
Independence Day Celebrations in CMC on 15.08.2017
The 71st Independence Day celebration in the CMC community was observed with great patriotism. As per tradition the flag was hoisted in the main hospital campus, college campus and all the other campuses of the institution. In the hospital campus, the flag hoisting began at 7.30 am, where Dr.J.V. Peter, Director Designate hoisted the flag. Mr.Chellasamy, Chief Security Officer inspected the parade. Dr. Sukesh Chandran, Department of Clinical Pathology, hoisted the flag in the college campus, Bagayam. RUHSA Campus witnessed colourful and energetic dance performance of the medical sociology students as part of the Independence Day celebration. For the very first time, Chittoor Campus, celebrated the 71st Independence Day by hoisting the tricolor in the campus.
Chittoor Hospital Campus welcomes 2017 with local residents at special celebration on 27.01.2017
Annual Citizens’ Day, a New Year’s programme for the residents of Chittoor, was held on the 27th of January, 2017. A large Chittoor-based gathering of leading citizens including government and bank officials, private practitioners, lawyers, school principals and business men came together at this event. The Director, Dr Sunil Chandy, in his address, recalled the long association of CMC with Chittoor district. Since the 1930s, Dr Ida S Scudder conducted a roadside clinic in Chittoor district, which included Gudipalla and Bommasamudrum. This project marked a further strengthening of the early ties. He stated that the campus would evolve into a model broad speciality hospital of excellence with a number of educational training programmes.

Dr. Chandy acknowledged the cooperation of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the officials of Chittoor, also extending his thanks to the various departments of CMC Vellore and its retired faculty employed for their contribution in providing quality care for the people of Chittoor. Associate Director, Dr Raju Titus Chacko and Mr JP Peter were especially thanked for the ground work during the establishment phase. Dr Nihal Thomas then updated the gathering with the current status of the hospital – his presentation showed the speciality departments, and the diagnostic and treatment facilities, including the state-of-the-art operation theatre. He further presented the statistics which showed a sharp increase in the last few months with regards to outpatient numbers each day and a rapid increase in the number of surgeries – over 500 in the last five months. Proposed plans were also shared, inclusive of several training programmes which will help the people of Andhra Pradesh and community outreach services in the district. CMC Vellore was also well represented at the programme, by the Associate Directors, Principal, Medical and Nursing Superintendents and several Heads of Departments.
Gynaecologic Oncology Cancer Awareness Month observed on 03.09.2016
To increase awareness on gynaecologic cancers, the Gynaecologic Oncology Group (Departments of Gynaecologic Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology and Palliative Care Unit) organised programmes centred on Cancer Screening in women, common symptoms, danger signs, preventive measures and treatment options. The awareness campaign was flagged off at CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus, on 3rd September, 2016, by chief guest, Dr.Vijaya Gowri, District Medical Health Officer, Chittoor district. This was attended by a gathering of 200, including women, high school and college students. A second event was conducted at Scudder Memorial Hospital, Ranipet, on 10th September, presided over by Dr. Lakshmi Seshadri. At the valedictory ceremony of the medical students’ Community Orientation Programme (COP) at Sholavaram village, more public awareness activities were put together by the Community Health Department and Radiation Oncology. At all the above venues, posters, pamphlets and talks were arranged to propagate cancer awareness. A cancer screening programme for CMC staff was organised by the Gynaecologic Oncology Department. A Cancer Survivors Meet on 1st October brought together both survivors and patients undergoing treatment. Survivors shared their experiences and motivated others with coping strategies. This was followed by a CME on cervical cancer vaccines, screening, treatment of precancer and palliative care. This was widely attended by doctors, nurses and health workers.
Founder's Day Celebration on 09.12.2012
The 142nd birth anniversary of Dr. Ida S. Scudder, our beloved founder, was celebrated on December 9, 2012. This year, the Founder's Day programme was celebrated in the CMC Vellore, Chittoor campus. Dr Sara Bhattacharji, former Head of LCECU and Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, former Director, were the chief guests on this occasion. It was a time to reflect on the courage, faith and vision of Dr. Ida, as well as to renew our commitment to continue the work that she so ably started. At the function, staff who had retired over the year were honoured for their service and dedication to the institution. Thirty nine staff were also honoured with the Exemplary Service Awards, given for integrity, courage and service beyond the call of duty. Dr. Sara Bhattacharji presented the following Special Awards : the Dr. Thomas Koshi Award to Mr. Johnson Sugdev Kumar (Radiology), the Best Staff Nurse Award to Mrs. Beaula Rose J. (P2 Ward), the Best Nursing Auxiliary Award to Mrs. Euphracia Andrew (N2 Ward), the Best Hospital Attendant Award to Mr. N. Punniyakotti (Clinical Epidemiology) and the Best Hospital Housekeeping Attendant Award to Mr. S. Mathew (Microbiology).

The Mr. John Sehar, Memorial Essay Competition Award was presented to Dr. Jophy Philips Cherry (Ophthalmology) and Mr. A. Selvakumar (Psychologist, RUHSA). The prize winners of the Archives essay competition 2011, Dr. N. Kumar (Cardiology) and Ms. Divya Paul (Tutor, Occupational Therapy) were also felicitated. In her inspiring speech, Dr. Sara Bhattacharji reminded the audience of some of the important values on which Dr. Ida built this institution- compassionate care, best exemplied in the manner in which Dr. Ida cared for her first patient, a dying old woman; of sharing our knowledge and skills so that the five loaves and two fish are multiplied; of reaching out to those excluded and on the margins of society, and working together in the spirit of Christ. Dr. Sara said the best way we can honour the memory of Dr. Ida is by simply being the presence of Christ to all we meet. Thus, like Dr. Ida, we will 'see beauty and love everywhere, and breathe the atmosphere of love rather than anxious striving.' On the occasion of the Founder's Day, a book on Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder, 'Love In Deed' was released by the Director, Dr. Sunil T. Chandy. The book contains the story of Dr. Ida and memories of her contemporaries and colleagues who currently live in Vellore. The book also has messages from former Directors, including poignantly one from Dr. LBM Joseph, who passed away on December 5, 2012. The first copy of the book was received by Ms. Anna Jacob, the first Indian Nursing Superintendent and an alumnus of the first batch of the College of Nursing. Love In Deed will also be available in Tamil. The programme concluded with Mrs. Jays Premkumar responding on behalf of the retired staff, felicitations by Mr. I. Joseph, Secretary, GSB and a dance by the College of Nursing students. The General Superintendent, Mr. J.P. Peter proposed the vote of thanks.
Chittoor Marathon Challenge and Arogya Jagratha on 06.10.2012
CMC Vellore held its first half marathon cross country race and celebrated Arogya Jatara in the new Chittoor Campus on October 6, 2012. Although a heavy rainstorm disrupted preparations the night before, somehow everything came together in time for the first races. The half marathon and 10.55km races were flagged off by Shri Kranti Rana Tata, Superintendent of Police, Chittoor District, who was welcomed by Director, Dr. Sunil Chandy and felicitated by the Associate Director, Dr. Raju Titus Chacko. Later the 5km individual and relay runners set off and they were joined by ten police personnel, including the Superintendent and his wife. All the runners testified to the course being a tough challenge, but with spectacular views and diverse, invigorating terrain it was well worth the effort. The mango groves, fishing pond and check dam added to the interest of the hilly and flat areas. In all, 157 people took part: 38 attempting the half marathon, 24 people ran 10.55km, 31 did the 5km course and 16 teams of 4 took part in the 5km relay race.

The half marathon was won by Partheeban G., a policeman posted in Avadi, in a blistering time of 1 hour 35 minutes and 30 seconds. He is one of the top marathon runners in India, and hopes to qualify for the next Asiad. Our own BMLT student, Simson D, came in second, and Neeta Pon Malar from Occupational Therapy, was the fastest lady. Gopinath Murugan, Physiotherapist from the PMR Department, won the 10.55km in 1 hour and 31 seconds. The 5km individual race was wonby D. Sathish Kumar in 19 minutes and 35 seconds, and Mr. Sakthi from B & B Builders brought home his team in the 5km relay in 17 minutes. B & B Builders deserve special mention for sending 45 enthusiastic employees to compete in the relay race. Special Awards were given to B&B Builders (Company Award for most entrants), PMR Department (Department Award for most entrants), College of Nursing (College Award for most entrants), Dr. George Tharion (Highest sponsorship money raised) and Dr. Gita Mathai (Second highest sponsorship money raised). Many other participants worked hard to raise funds which will be used to give free treatment to deserving patients in the CMC Chittoor Campus. The staff of the Development Office planned and organised the Chittoor Challenge with expert help from Rahul Verghese and Sumeet Virmani of Running and Living, Delhi. Special thanks to the Civil Engineering Department, who did a fantastic job clearing and smoothing the entire course in the last few days before the event, the staff of the Chittoor Campus for all their help, the Transport Department whose drivers cheerfully helped on many days in surveying the marathon course, helping with practice runs, and transporting staff, volunteers, participants and materials, the First Aid team, all the volunteers, especially students from College of Nursing (Diploma) and AHS courses, and of course to all the runners (both from within CMC and outside) The Arogya Jatara was inaugurated by Dr. Ravi Korula (Former Head of Orthopaedics and Associate Director), Mr. Denzil Ranjit Singh (Treasurer) and Mr. J.P. Peter (General Superintendent); Rev. Mani Bhushan Das (Chaplaincy) led the gathering in prayer.

There were about 50 health care related stalls put up by over 40 CMC departments, 10 games stalls and 15 food stalls. The Blood Bank held a blood donation camp. About 70 local villagers very enthusiastically took charge of the entertainment and music programme. About 3,500 people, including school students from in and around Chittoor, participated in the Jatara. The event concluded with a felicitation ceremony which was graced by the presence of the Chittoor MLA, Shri C K Babu, his wife, Shrimati CK Lavanya, Dr Sunil Chandy, Dr Raju Chacko and Rev. Robin Phipon. The village performers were given certificates and mementos by Mrs Lavanya. The Best Stall Award was bagged by the Department of Nephrology; in second and third place were the Departments of Endocrinology and Ophthalmology respectively. The Arogya Jatara was planned and coordinated by Dr. Thomas Ram (Radiation Oncology) and the Development Office, with help from many individuals and departments. A big thank you to all the volunteers - staff and students - who set up and manned stalls and helped with many other tasks on the day.
First eye camp at CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus on 16.08.2010
The first activity in the CMC Vellore Chittoor campus commenced with a ‘Roadside’ Eye Camp organized by the Ophthalmology Department on August 16, 2010. The inaugural programme began with a prayer by Rev Dr.Malhia Joshua,Head of Chaplaincy, following which the Director, Dr.Suranjan Bhattacharji, welcomed the guests, Administrative Officers, staff and students from CMC and the patients from the neighbouring villages.

Dr.Thomas Kuriakose, Deputy Director, in his opening remarks, recalled that Dr. Ida Scudder started the first eye camp in Vellore in 1906 and now over a century later, CMC was continuing that tradition with an eye camp at the new campus. Thestudents from College of Nursing gave a special song, and then felicitations were offered by the District Judge, Justice Ravi Kumar, the Chittoor MLA, Mr.C.K.Babu, his wife Mrs.Lavanya and the District Collector, Mr.V.Sheshadri.

They applauded the services of CMC and looked forward to the establishment of CMC in the state of Andhra Pradesh. They felt that the eye camp was an appropriate beginning for the work in the Chittoor campus. The Associate Director, Dr.John Muthusami, proposed the vote of thanks.