Inauguration of Chittoor Pharmacy Stores held on 25.03.2022
The Pharmacy Stores in the Diagnostic Block at the Chittoor Campus was dedicated on 25th March, 2022 by Dr. J.V. Peter, Director. Rev. Vijay offered the opening prayer and Rev. Dr. Aruldhas offered prayer of dedication. Dr. Kenny S David, Associate Director (Chittoor Campus) welcomed the gathering and felicitations were offered by Dr. J.V.Peter, Director, Mrs. Jeyalinda, Associate Nursing Superintendent. Dr. Selvamani. B, Professor and Head of Pharmacy proposed the vote of thanks. This new facility will supply medicines, surgicals and IV fluids to the Chittoor Pharmacy.
Laying of the Foundation Stone for College of Nursing Building at , CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus held on 28.01.2022
28th January, 2022 was an epoch-making day in the illustrious history of the College of Nursing CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus. A well organized and solemn Ceremony of Laying of Foundation Stone for College of Nursing at Chittoor Campus was organized virtually. The function started with prayer song by students and faculty of CON CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus and opening prayer was offered by Rev. Vijayakumar, Chaplain Chittoor Campus.
Dr. Vathsala Sadan Dean, CON CMC Vellore welcomed the gathering. Rev. Joseph Devaraj, Senior Chaplain led the gathering in devotion after Bible reading by Ms. Stephy Paul, III Year Nursing student. Dr. Kenny David Associate Director Chittoor Campus took the honour in introducing the beloved Chief Guest Mr. Barkose Warjri, IAS (Retd.) Council Chairman, CMC Vellore Association who inaugurated the Laying of Foundation stone virtually. He reminisced the impeccable growth of Chittoor Campus over the years.
He acknowledged the tireless efforts and contributions of Dr. Nihal Thomas and Dr. Kenny David and other administrators of the Chittoor Campus. Unveiling of Plaque was done by Mrs. Rosaline Jayakaran, Former Principal, CON CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus. Rt. Rev. K. Padma Rao Bishop of CSI Dornakal Diocese, offered the prayer of dedication and prayed that the building that will ensue and all the learning that will take place in it will be a blessing to many.
Mrs. Rosaline Jayakaran, Former Principal, CON CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, Mrs. Jayalinda Christopher, Deputy Nursing Superintendent and Mr. David Chandran, Gen eral Superintendent offered felicitation on this auspicious occasion of celebration and rejoic ing. Mrs. Florence Segaran, Principal CON CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus expressed her gratitude to God and to all those who had made the occasion both memorable and possible.

Inauguration of "Aashraya" at Chittoor Campus on 31.10.2020. (Shelter for relatives of patients who would require treatment at CMC Vellore Chittoor campus)
Khalil Gibran once said: "Generosity is giving more than you can.” This could be truly exemplified in the deeds of the MBBS batch of 1991. In the year, 2016 when the batch assembled in three days of fellowship and joy, they made a solid decision to support the CMC Community with a contribution that would have an impact on a need of the patient community. A striking fact about the CMC Vellore Chittoor campus is that hospital is located at least 10 a minimum of 10 km away from any boarding facility; essentially indicating, that on a given night wherein the 130 bedded hospital when full may have a minimum of 50 persons sleeping outdoors within the hospital compound.

Radiology Suite Inauguration on 09.10.2020
If one gleans through the illustrious history of Radiology in CMC, Vellore it is known that precisely 81 years ago, the first X-ray machine was installed at Vellore in 1939, under the astute leadership of Dr Ida Belle Scudder. Now comes the time of contemporary importance: October 9th, 2020, Friday a red-letter day for the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, wherein the radiology suite was inaugurated.

Canteen Inauguration on 27.07.2020
On the 28th of July the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus expanded its canteen kitchen facilities. The chief guest for the occasion was Mr David Chandran, the General Superintendent. The meeting began with a word of prayer. Prof Kenny David Associate Director designate for Chittoor have an inspirational speech. The new kitchen faculty has the capacity to serve 300 patients per day in addition to 250 staff members. The kitchen also caters to the CMC Vellore Chittoor College of Nursing and the Working Women’s Hostel. The working hours are from 6:30 am in the morning to 10:00 pm at night 7 days a week, diet is also being served to patients in the wards.
Biomedical Waste Yard Dedication on 25.07.2020
Dedication of Andrology Lab on 11.03.2020
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, CMC Chitttoor had started an Infertility clinic in June last year aiming primary level care.As part of extending the services to secondary level treatments ,a state of the art Andrology lab was blessed on 11/03/2020.The services are being extended to semen wash analysis and intrauterine insemination in addition to fertility enhancing surgeries. The clinic runs from Monday to Saturday.

Staff Quarters Dedication on 31.01.2020
The Staff Housing of B,C and E quarters at the Christian Medical College, Vellore, Chittoor campus in Andhra Pradesh was inaugurated on 31st January, Friday in the presence of members of the Council, the Chairman: Mr Barkos Wajri and the Vice-Chairman: Dr John Oommen. This is the first of a set of 4 building projects that are to be commissioned in the next few months, which include the Working Women's Hostel, the Chattram(Patient rest house) and the Radiology suite. The programme was commenced by a word of prayer. Special songs were rendered by the CMC Vellore Chittoor campus nursing students. There were words of inspiration shared by Mr Barkos Wajri and Dr Vikram Mathews, Associate Director on behalf of the administration. Dr Nihal Thomas heaped many accolades on the engineering team and the contractors for having carried out this challenging project. Built on a hilly region on an elevation on rocky ground, the building has a number of special features in that it is thermally friendly, being exposed to the South East breeze and shaded from the western sun by the hill in the backdrop.Dr John Oommen, highlighted the fact that this building was a major milestone in the history of the Chittoor campus, thereby enabling several staff to be easily accessible for the purpose of patient care. He also stressed the primary aspects of dedication towards patient care as the primary motif of the institution, and that the essential ethos in general should are of primary importance while complimenting structural and engineering advantages. The prayer of dedication was given by Rev Dr Eprem. The vote of thanks was rendered by Dr Abraham Joseph
BSc Nursing (1st Batch) Selection Meeting held on 27.11.2019
After a period of 110 years, The Christian Medical College Vellore, as an institution witnessed the birth of a new nursing educational programme in a different state. On November 27th, 2019, a team consisting of the faculty of the College of nursing at Vellore, the principal's office and the registrars office together with the newly appointed faculty of the College of nursing, Christian Medical College, Chittoor campus participated in an intense selection programme that commenced early in the morning and progressing late into the night. Following affiliation to the Dr NTR Medical University, of Andhra Pradesh, the College of nursing Christian Medical College Vellore, Chittoor campus selected 50 students for the course of BSc in Nursing. The students selected are from a diverse background, including Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telengana, Orissa, Chattisgarh and other states of India. The Administration would thank all those involved directly and indirectly for all the support received in this process and for the events that over the last 13 months that have lead to the conception of this momentous event. We thank God for his boundless mercies.
Radiology Suite Dedication on 14.11.2019
The radiology suite is located at the foot of a scenic 300 foot hill adjacent to the paediatric outpatient block. The turning of the Sod was conducted in the presence of all the senior radiology professors and the general superintendent. Dr Sridhar spoke of the 5 'p's which are responsible for setting up such a facility: patience, persistence, parsimony, punctuality and perfection.He said that the scope for setting up such a facility would be a boon to the local community. There is only one CT scan machine in Chittoor at present and no MRI facility. Patients with many common ailments would benefit from such an imaging facility once this was ready. The timeline for building the facility is 4 months and is anticipated to be ready by March 2020.
Website Launched for CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus on 15.08.2019
Dedication of the CMC, Vellore Chittoor Campus, College of Nursing Building on 25.02.2019
Adjacent to the Northern side, in the CMC, Vellore Chittoor campus, a new facility for the College of Nursing was dedicated on 25th February, 2019. When the proposition for the Chittoor Campus was obtained, the major mandate by the state of Andhra Pradesh was to set up a Christian health care centre and an educational institution of excellence. In keeping with this mandate, the dedication of the College of Nursing facilities is indeed an endeavour of much significance. The gathering was welcomed by Mrs. Rosaline Jeyakaran, former Dean, College of Nursing and the Dean designate for the CMC Vellore Chittoor campus and by Dr. Nihal Thomas. Dr. Vathsala Sadan, Dean College of Nursing was present at the dedication. After the prayer of dedication by Rev. Dr. Arul Dhas, the College of Nursing flag was hoisted by Dr. Sulakhsni Immanuel, former Dean College of Nursing. This was followed by felicitations by Dr. Abraham Joseph, former Head, Department of Community Health and Development and Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, former Director. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs.Valliama Babu, retired Professor of Nursing. Starting a Nursing College in the Chittoor campus will prove to be strategic in further enhancing the growth of good clinical care centers across the nation. The college when it beings to function will generate fifty B.Sc. nurses and eventually twenty five PBBSc nurses per annum.
Environmentally Benign: CMC's initiative to reclaim Wastewater
To treat the effluent from the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, the Environmmental Engineering Department has installed a typical sewage treatment plant called Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) to recycle the waste water for gardening and flushing applications. Since its installment, CMC has been able to save initial investment and maintenance costs as no imported materials or components are needed.
DEWATS combines the following technical treatment steps in a modular manner:
- The primary treatment happens when the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) settle at the bottom, much like in sedimentation ponds, settlers, septic tanks or biodigesters.
- The secondary treatment process occurs when the methane and oxygen from the clarified liquid are released through air vents, as in plant anaerobic baffled reactors, anaerobic filters or anaerobic and facultative pond systems like the lagoon at CMC Bagayam campus.
- In the tertiary or post-treatment, aerobic polishing ponds further clarify the liquid, after which it is finally used for gardening. The open pond or the polishing tank recreates a living environment for the wastewater to clean itself, naturally.
- A unique factor in this system is that it operates without mechanical means and sewage flows by gravity through the different components of the system. Up to 1,000 cubic metres of domestic and non-toxic industrial sewage can be treated by DEWATS. It is further intriguing to note that most important parts of this system work without technical electrical energy inputs and cannot be switched off intentionally.
- Its tolerance towards in-flow fluctuation and its odourless operation make it a tenable, environment-friendly mechanism for CMC.

Inauguration of Labour Room & Nursery on 18.02.2019
On the 18th of February, 2019, the CMC Vellore Chittoor campus had its labour room inaugurated along with the newly refurbished nursery. The programme began with a prayer and a song of dedication by the Chittoor choir. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Annie Regi Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr. Sridhar, Head of Neonatology, Dr. Premila Lee, Nursing Superintendent, Dr. Selva Titus, Dean ,CON, Dr. Vatchala Sadan, Dean Designate, CON and Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, former Director. Dr. Daisy, Dr. Santosh, Dr. Sujatha Charles, Dr. Kishore and Dr. Premila Crystal Contributed to the programme. The labour room has five active beds, a fully fledged perinatal ward with twenty beds and a neonatal ward with ten beds. The first active delivery was that of a breech. Eighty percent of the obstetric patients who are seen on the Chittoor campus come for their delivery to the CMC Vellore town campus. This facility is likely to lead to a significant decompression of the clinical load on the town campus for both the labour room and the nursery, considering that 30% of the patients in the town campus labour room come from Chittoor.
Dedication of the Foundation of “Aashraya” at Chittoor – A Project of the MBBS - held on 21.07.2018 Batch of 1991
On 21st July 2018, a group of the current CMC faculty, staff of CMC Chittoor campus, retired faculty of CMC Vellore and many others gathered together on the verdant portion of the northern part of the campus for the dedication of Project ‘Aashraya’. The MBBS batch of 1991 had raised a sizeable amount to support the installation of a building that when complete would be able to shelter the relatives of patients who would require treatment at CMC Vellore Chittoor campus. The campus which is currently located ten km away from Chittoor town and has rapidly growing inpatient and theatre facility will benifit largely from this project. The programme began with a prayer of dedication by the Chaplaincy Department followed by a song of dedication by the Chittoor Campus Choir. The rest of the event was organised by the batch of 1991, led by Dr. Sunithi, Dr. Rohit and Dr. Chandrasingh. The Associate Director for the Chittoor campus gave a brief summary on how critical this project will be in providing lodging and comfort for the many patients and relatives visiting the Chittoor Facilities. He also spoke about the location which was chosen after much delibration, keeping in mind the wildlife in the area and the importance of preserving the existing biodiversity. The former director, Dr. Sunil Chandy, who had initially conceptualized the project, spoke at length on how needy patients in particular would benefit. Dr. Ravi Korula, former principal talked about the evolution of the Chittoor project from the year 2009 and initial challenges in developing the area. The foundation stone was unveiled by the former director, Dr. Joyce Ponniah and Dr. Susie Kurien, former head of Pathology. There was a turning of the soil initiated by the nursing superintendent, Dr. Premilla Lee and the tree planting by the medical superintendent, Dr. Prasad Mathews. The programme culminated with the flag hoisting by the former principal, Dr. Jayaprakash Muliyil.
Dedication of the foundation of the doctor's quarters at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus on 29.06.2018
The dedication of the foundation of the middle level and senior doctors’ quarters and the working women’s hostel at the CMC, Vellore Chittoor campus, took place on 29th June, 2018. The programme began with prayer followed by the unveiling of the plaques of the buildings by the council chairman, Bishop Sahu. The buildings will accommodate clinicians towards the end of this year; and nursing and technical lady staff towards the beginning of the coming year. This first major housing project is located on a hill three hundred feet above surrounding plains of the North campus. Much care has been taken during the process so as to not disturb the biodiversity, flora and the fauna of the surrounding area and the opposite side of the hill which is the home for deer, rabbits and multiple species of birds. The master planners and the biodiversity teams were appreciated for their meticulous inputs in preserving the environment. The felicitations for the event were given by the former directors, Professor Joyce Ponniah, Professor Suranjan Bhattacharji and Professor J.V. Peter, Director . The Associate Director for the Chittoor campus extended special thanks to former directors, Dr. Suranjan and Dr. Sunil Chandy and the former Associate directors Dr. Raju Titus and Dr John Muthusamy for passing on a legacy that has borne fruit. The programme ended with a tree planting ceremony followed by hoisting of the flag and the singing of the college song.
Dedication of The Neonatal and Maternity Facilities at the CMC Vellore Chittoor, Campus on 07.06.2018
On 7th June, 2018, the dedication of the Neonatal and Maternity Facilities at the CMC, Vellore Chittoor Campus took place; coincidentally on the same day as the birth anniversary of Virginia Apgar, the pioneering anaesthetist who formulated the well known scoring system (APGAR) to prognosticate neonatal development. The facility was inaugurated in the presence of members from Nursing Services, Neonatology and Maternity Services. The Chittoor district contributes to more than 10% of the mother and baby related services at the main town campus in Vellore. By initiation of these services at the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus, a number of pregnant women may be able to access services locally at Chittoor and avoid travelling thirty kilometers, across the border to avail this basic service. The Neonatal facility has the complete paraphernalia and staffing required to support ten babies in the nursery with postnatal wards which are spacious and airy. An emergency obstetric theatre is also available in addition to four, state of the art operation theatres. The Staff of the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus would specifically like to thank Dr. Annie Regi and her team from the Obstetric services, Dr. Niranjan Thomas and Dr. Sridhar from the neonatology services and Dr. Premila Lee from nursing services and their respective teams for their contribution towards the development and evolution of the facilities in this regard.
Inauguration of ATM Facility at CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus on 19.03.2018
Operation Theatres dedicated at CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus on 31.08.2016
The CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus is located in an area which was historically served by Dr. Ida S. Scudder at the roadside clinics. Pre-Independence Chittoor, which was under Madras presidency, was barely 3 kms away from these roadside clinics. On 31st of August, 2016, surgical services at CMC Chittoor Campus were opened to the people of Andhra Pradesh with the launch of the theatre complex, dedicated in a ceremony comprising the reading of a Bible passage and prayer led by Rev. Mani Bhooshanam. The occasion was graced by a message from the Associate Director, Dr. Nihal Thomas, who appreciated all efforts towards bringing up this campus, especially his predecessor, Dr. Raju Titus; the Andhra Pradesh government for bestowing the privilege and keeping faith in CMC to deliver world-class medical facilities to the people of the state; the Engineering team under the leadership of Mr. Peter, continued by Mr.Gnanasekaran, and Dr. Nandini Korula and her team. Dr. Nihal welcomed all the shareholders of this establishment to take it to greater heights in the coming days and strive to achieve excellence in medical care and nursing services under Dr. Premila Lee. The Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr. Kishore also appreciated the fervor with which developments have been coming up. There are 4 spacious state-of-the-art theatres with a sizeable recovery room and day care ward with several other amenities that a modern theatre complex can offer. The facilities promise to be a boon to the people of Southern Andhra Pradesh in particular. With the launch of the surgical services, CMC Chittoor Campus now offers basic medical, surgical, orthopaedic, paediatric, gynaecological and community services, along with numerous OPD super specialty facilities at affordable rates, keeping in mind the wellbeing of the local community and the motto of the institution: Not to be ministered unto, but to minister.
Dedication of Chittoor IP Services & Emergency Services on 21.01.2016
The inpatient services in CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus North campus was blessed and dedicated for the Glory of God and the service of the people in Chittoor and the nation on the 21st of January 2016 through a video conferencing link by the Rt. Rev. A. Rajavelu, Bishop of the CSI Vellore Diocese. This was done in the presence of the Director, Dr. Sunil Chandy, other administrators, Chairman, Dr. M.C.Mathew and honourable members of the CMC council. This was witnessed by several staff and students in the hospital, CHTC and the Chittoor campus to where this was relayed live by the video link. Dr. Raju Titus Chacko, Associate Director campus development briefed the gathering about various facilities that were provided in the IP Facility and the possibilities and potential of this Campus. He thanked all those involved in this entire process. Rt. Rev. Rajavelu prayed a prayer of dedication and blessed the facilities. In the Chittoor campus Rev. Mani Bhusan Das led the gathering in singing and prayer. Mr. J.P. Peter Special Officer cut the ribbon to symbolise the opening of the facility.
CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus Hospital Launches Dental OPD on 21.06.2016
People wear new smiles in Chittoor. The dental department was opened for services on 21st June, 2016, at the CMC Chittoor Hospital, and the first set of patients underwent procedures there. A new operatory service equipped with two dental chairs, new instruments, sterilisers and a dental radiology unit is where all the dental procedures will be done. Dr. Anu Jose, a Pedodontist (Paediatric Dental Surgeon) by training, has taken the responsibility of running the facility. This Outpatient Service with a contemporary design was painstakingly built from scratch and is envisaged to provide primary and secondary level dental care.
The commencement of the unit was marked by a prayer which was attended by all staff working at Chittoor.

Dedication of the CMC Vellore - Chittoor Campus Chapel on 09.12.2012
The beautiful chapel at the Chittoor Campus was dedicated on December 9, 2012 by Rt. Rev. A Rajavelu, the Bishop of CSI Vellore Diocese. An octagonal shaped structure, the Chapel has an open plan, and is picturesquely set at the foot of the hills on the Chittoor Campus. The Chapel has a stained glass window, designed by Mr. Paul Joshua, a physiotherapist in our institution. The painting is centred on the Cross, and incorporates aspects of the divine as well as the wider world. It is flanked by two angels, sounding the jubilee. At the service, Dr. Samuel Chittaranjan, former Professor of Orthopaedics shared the Founder's Day message, calling attention to our rich heritage of selfless service.

Dedication of Outpatient Department on 16.09.2011
The Outpatient Department of the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus was dedicated on September 16, 2011. The service of dedication was conducted by Rev. Dr. Malhia Joshua, Head of Chaplaincy, in the presence of the honourable members of the Executive Committee, staff, faculty and students of CMC. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Kuruvilla Varkey, the Council Chairman, said the new campus was a gift from God and we are called to realise the possibility and potential of the place in extending the work and ethos of CMC. The Director,Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji recalled the initiative taken by the late Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. YSR Reddy, who was very keen on CMC's presence in the state. He thanked all those involved in the processes of consultation and acquisition of the land, particularly the Associate Directors, Dr. Ravi Korula and Dr. John C. Muthusami and the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Lionel Gnanaraj, as well as other administrative officers of the state of Andhra Pradesh. Among the others who offered their felicitations on the occasion were the Vice Chairman of the CMC Council, Dr. Samuel Paul, the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Lionel Gnanaraj, the Nursing Superintendent, Dr. Jayarani Premkumar and the General Superintendent, Mr. J.P. Peter and Mr. Prathap Reddy, a representative from the local community. Dr. Raju Titus Chacko, Associate Director (Chittoor Campus) proposed the vote of thanks. CMC thanks God for this opportunity to extend the vision of Dr. Ida S. Scudder and the healing ministry of Christ.
The Dedication and Ground Breaking Ceremony for the OPD Block at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 25.06.2010
The Dedication and Ground Breaking Ceremony for the OPD Block at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 25th June, 2010. His Grace Yakob Irenaios, Bishop of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Catholicate of the East, said the opening prayer, following which, the Director, Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, welcomed the gathering. He spoke of the transforming influence that CMC has on society-it comes not from its buildings, but from what CMC stands for. As Gandhiji said,’We must be the change we want to see in the world’.

Dr. Suranjan thanked a number of people, particularly Mr. Prathap Reddy, a major force behind the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus. Dr. John C Muthusami, Associate Director, gave a brief overview of the plans for the development of the Chittoor campus. The ground breaking ceremony was performed by Bishop Elia Peter, former Chairman of the Association Council. The Nursing students sang a special song, following which The Most Reverend Dr. Mar Aprem, Bishop of the Chaldean Syrian Church of the East, said the closing prayer and benediction. The function was attended by a large number of faculty, staff and Council members.
Laying of the foundation stone of the boundary wall at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 24th April, 2010
A function to mark the laying of the foundation stone of the boundary wall at the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus was held on 24th April, 2010, in the presence of a large number of local dignitaries and the public. The programme began with a devotional song by the choir and the opening prayer by Rev Dr. Malhia Joshua, who invoked God’s blessings on the Project. Following this, the dignitaries- Shri CK Jayachandra Reddy alias Sri CK Babu, MLA, Chittoor constituency, the Revenue Divisional Officer, Shri Subramayeswara Reddy - were honoured with the traditional shawl. In his welcome address, the Director, Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, said the occasion was an apt time to remember the past, affirm the present and commit ourselves to the future. He recalled how nearly a hundred years ago, Dr. Ida Scudder began her ‘roadside clinics’ in the same vicinity. It was the visionary leadership of the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Late Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, that had made this project a possibility. The gathering observed a minute’s silence in memory of the late Chief Minister. Dr. Bhattacharji expressed his profound gratitude to the many officials at various levels for supporting the project and carrying it forward. These included Dr. R. Rosaiah, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Mr. Raju, Secretary to the Chief Minister and Mr. Pratap Madi Reddy, former Secretary to the Chief Minister. Of those present, he thanked Shri CK Jayachandra Reddy, MLA, Chittoor District and Shri S Reddy, Revenue Divisional Officer, for their help and support at all times. He also specially thanked the District Collector, Shri V. Sheshadri, IAS, who could not attend the function due to another engagement. Looking towards the future, Dr. Bhattacharji said that, CMC Vellore is a temple of healing and education. Today’s beginning was small, like the seed of a banyan tree, but in time and with God’s blessings, it could grow large and shelter many. The immediate plans for the project included starting an Outpatient Clinic and an Inpatient service. He extended a warm welcome to the press and local public who were present on the occasion.

Following this, the kuthuvillakku was lit by all the dignitaries present and then Shri CK Jayachandra Reddy unveiled the plaque. Rev. Dr. Malhia Joshua said the prayer of dedication, giving God the glory: 'Unless the Lord builds, the builders build in vain’. He thanked God for the many people, especially those in the Andhra Pradesh Government, who were instrumental in supporting CMC’s ministry in Chittoor district. The Revenue Development Officer (RDO), Shri S. Reddy, expressed his happiness at being present on the occasion. He spoke of the lengthy procedure involved in the acquisition of the large area land- 640 acres- and thanked the many farmers and local people who had given up their land for this project. Shri CK Jayachandra Reddy, MLA, Chittoor District, then spoke expressing his happiness on CMC Vellore's willingness to set up its second campus in Chittoor.
The Associate Director, Dr. Ravi Korula, concluded the function with the vote of thanks. He said despite administrative changes in the Andhra Pradesh Government over the past year and a half, CMC has only received co-operation and support at all times and from all involved. This, he said, can only be because of God’s guiding hand. Dr. Korula again mentioned the former Chief Minister, late Dr. Y.S.R. Reddy, because of whose initiative this project has seen the light of day. He thanked Shri CK Jayachandra Reddy, MLA, the Collector, Shri V. Sheshadri, IAS and the Joint Collector, Shri P.S. Pradyumna, IAS, among others for their help, support and co-operation at all times. He commended the role of Shri S. Reddy, RDO, who worked tirelessly for the land acquisition, and also the Judiciary of the Andhra Pradesh Government for their helping in the same process. The onus was now on CMC to capitalize on all this help and support.
The function concluded with the National Anthem.