Paediatric Surgery
The Department of Paediatric Surgery strives to deliver the highest quality care to children from the time they are born to the age of 15 years and in even into adulthood, whenever required. We have a dedicated team of highly skilled doctors, nurses and axillary staff that are committed to delivering wholesome care, research and excellence in patient care.
Clinical Services:
OPD Services:We have two units. Paediatric Surgery unit 1 and Unit 2, and a specialised clinic of Paediatric Urology. Clinic days are as follows
Antenatal counselling is provided whenever an anomaly is detected in the ultrasound scan during pregnancy, in association with the Departments of Obstetrics and Neonatology
Common Investigations
Ultrasound Test: This is a test to check for any mass, tumours, hydro-nephrosis etc. This is painless and harmless. THIS CAN BE DONE AT THE CHITTOOR CAMPUS.
Barium Swallow: The child is given a medicine (contrast) to swallow and the doctor watches the passage of the medicine into the stomach and intestine on the x-ray. Problems such as Gastro-esophageal reflux and malrotation of the intestine are diagnosed by this test.
Barium Enema: A special liquid (contrast) is placed into the rectum and xrays are taken. This is helpful in diagnosing problems like hirschsprungs disease, micro colon, meconium ileus etc.
Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCU/ MCUG): A special liquid (contrast) is instilled into the urinary passage and as it fills the urinary bladder, several x-rays are taken. This is helpful in the cases of Vesico ureteric reflux, Ureterocoel, Urinary bladder diseases like Neurogenic bladder, Posterior Urethral valves, blockage / stricture in the urethra.
Nuclear Renal Scans ( DTPA/ DMSA ): These test assess the function of the kidneys and drainage of the urine into the bladder. Useful to detect any blockage between kidney and the bladder.
HIDA Scan: This test is done in children with jaundice from birth. This is useful in understanding if the jaundice is due to blockage of bile from liver to the intestines. Sometimes, also done for gall bladder stones to look for the cause of the stone.
Patient learning:
(Please note that the following information is provided in a simple language for easy understanding. Some of these operations are done by laparoscopy / key hole surgery, depending on the condition). Your doctor will discuss what will be done at the Chittoor Campus and what will need to be done at the main campus
Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) : These children are born with an absent food passage. This problem is correctable and requires urgent ICU care and surgery.
Anorectal Malformation (ARM): These consist of problems of the lower intestinal tract. The anal opening may be misplaced or absent. Often these children require surgery in the newborn period. Some children require surgeries in stages.
Hirschsprung Disease: Children with this condition may not pass stools and have a swollen belly at birth. They may also present with constipation a little later. This is due to absence of nerve cells in the lower intestine. Surgery is necessary to correct this problem.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Here the intestines move into the chest through a hole in the muscle separating the chest and belly. This need urgent ICU care and surgery.
Meningomyelocele: Babies with this disorder have a problem with the spinal cord. This leads to weakness of the lower limbs and loss of control to pass stools and urine. These children need multidisciplinary care including clean intermittent catheterisation, medicines and sometimes surgery to make the child better manageable, prevent infections and renal failure.
Choledochal Cyst: This is sac like dilatation of the bile passage between the liver and the intestine, which can cause jaundive with recurrent fever. This is removed and the drainage is directly provided into the intestines.
Cholecystectomy: This is a key hole operation for gall stones.
Posterior Urethral Valve: Only male children are affected. The boys are born with a valve like partial block in the urinary passage. This causes problems in the bladder and kidney including kidney failure. Microsurgery (cystoscopy) is done to remove the valve. These boys need to be observed for a long time as they can have persisting problems due to kidney failure.
Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction: The passage of urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder is blocked. This leads to a swollen kidney. Surgery is required remove the blocked area and make a new connection that allows urine to flow into the bladder.
Hypospadias: The urine comes out through an abnormal opening on the undersurface of the penis. This can be usually corrected in a single stage surgery. Very severe cases may require surgery in stages. Hernia / Hydrocele - There is a bulge in the groin that has intestine or fluid. This requires a corrective surgery.
Circumcision: This minor surgery is done for religious customs or for conditions like phimosis.
Undescended Testis: This is a condition where the testis is not present in the scrotum. It may be absent, present inside the belly or within the lower belly wall. Surgery is necessary in one or two stages to bring the testis into the scrotum.
Bladder Exstrophy: The child is born with urinary bladder that is open to the outside. The child is thus constantly wet due to the flow of urine. Staged surgeries are required to keep the child dry and to protect the kidneys from renal failure.
Burns: Children sustain burn injuries accidently at home while playing with hot water, near the stove or with fire crackers. The injuries may range from simple injuries to very deep burn injuries. A variety of reconstructive surgeries are available to help these patients.
Polytrauma: Children who sustain injuries in accidents require urgent care. They may need emergency surgery or ICU care. Often many parts of the body are injured and will require specialized care.
Childhood Tumour: Children also can suffer cancer of the kidneys, liver, sex organs etc. Most of them have a good result in the early stages.
Intestinal obstruction: This may happen in various conditions, both due to birth defects or other diseases causing blockage in the intestine. These children mostly need emergency operation to relieve the blockage.
8:00am to 4:30pm